Thursday, December 31, 2009

Finding My Compass and Direction

The Dancing Sky
In my insane cleaning ritual I located my compass… my desk drawer.

No wonder I couldn't find it when out on the trail. It certainly wasn’t close to my pack.

Half filling a sketchbook with ideas for new work and possibly a new series, I drew and imagined and drew some more. I contemplate women and myth and the wildness in my heart. The sketches do not impress or excite me.

On Christmas day I sold all the rest of the primitive ponies, the last three small ones and a triptych.

I look again through my sketchbook. The sketches that do stand out are the spirit horses.

I take out my newly found compass and contemplate my direction.

My young paint horse Miami is now green broke and will continue to need a lot of riding and training.

I decide to paint horses and ride paint horses.

How easy is that?

I put the compass in my pack.

Hoping your New Year is filled with peace, prosperity and joy.