Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesdays With Tonka

It was back to work for me on this rainy Monday.There ought to be some sort of puppy labor laws or I ought to get a doggy union card. But one good thing about working for mom is I get good health care. And cookies.

Off we went to the bank and I had my backpack on with my deposit. Honestly I think I could carry ALOT smaller pack to deposit mom's money. But she tells me I carry it for practice. Practice for what? That much money going to the bank? I doubt it.

Anyway I like visiting with the nice ladies at the bank and they know I like the little dog cookies and not the big cookies they bought just for me. I got my banking finished and saw it.

There was the prettiest bear in a box. I started nibbling on it's ear.

Mom says "no that's a Christmas box for the children."

Oh that must be for the grand people. I asked mom if we could bring a bear for the grands and she said yes. We will have to find a very special bear.

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