Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Future Farmer

It's that time of the year on the mountain when I have a mountain to move. It is my huge compost pile. I am hauling it to the garden to prepare for planting.
My great nephew Dylan helped me today while his mom was at work. He is a farm hand in training. Tonka was serious about guarding his small friend.
 We filled the dump wagon and hauled it downhill to the garden where the chickens were waiting to spread it for us. Dylan rode in the wagon back up the hill.
Repeat until the whining started. About the time I stopped whining Dylan started. We put up our tools and went in for a nap.

1 comment:

  1. C'est étrange, je pensais à vous hier en ouvrant mon blog et je me disais que je n'étais pas allée sur votre blog depuis un certain temps...
    Heureuse de vous apercevoir ce matin avec cette dernière publication... quel travail... et quel courageux enfant vous accompagne!!!
    gros bisous
